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WOW have you ever felt like celebrating? It brings me back to the days I was a kid anticipating a birthday party where you invite all the girls from two classes into your home to run amuck - true story. We just wanted an excuse to get together outside of the classroom and let of some energy. Chasing each other from room to room and my parents? Patiently letting it happen. Reminiscing about Mom and Dad's reaction to that moment. As the youngest of three by the time I was in second grade nothing phased them. Creating some epic memories igniting an adventures spirit within me that has never quenched.

Celebrate with me by checking out this teaser.

'Most of these poems were written within three weeks in the spring of 2022. Three weeks of my life when my heart was shattered by estranged family relationships and unexpected break up. You will see may of these poems revolve around various relationships, emotions and situations I was not expecting. Trauma and loss are familiar to me so I did what I had done in the past. A change of scenery, writing, exercise, art and honestly a few screamed cuss words loudly walking in the middle of nowhere. My healing journey has been a long one I have turned to many modalities to find inner peace.'


I remember looking at other women in the room and how beautiful they looked. I felt like I didn't belong because they were dressed in beautiful clothes and were more fit than I was. I wanted to crawl under a rock and disappear. I looked at my boyfriend he didn't understand what was going on in my mind. I began to have an anxiety attack. It was all I could do to run outside and get fresh air as the walls seemed like they were crashing down. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I inhaled as many deep breaths as I could. My body shaking in anxiety and fear. Trying to escape this mental jail.

Years later after I learned I was living in fight or flight. This anxiety attack like the many others, had arisen because of a defense mechanism. The fear which transpired through anxiety was rooted in feeling like I was going to be alone. That my boyfriend would leave me for someone prettier or more fit. I didn't feel worthy of love. I didn't feel good enough to be chosen. You see my self esteem and value was based on external experiences.

When I learned to base my value on how I viewed myself and became more confident anxiety attacks went away. It took several years of counseling, healing, and at times courage. Courage to love myself despite my mistakes, despite who was standing with me in the end and even if I found myself standing alone.

I created this workbook for men and women who like me have put their self worth in the hands of external circumstances. If you are ready to take your power back and learn how to worry less about what others think then this is for you.


Cell phone subscriptions will hit 7.7 billion this year, yet very few people are aware of the proven health hazards of electromagnetic frequency radiation (EMF) emitted by cell phones and cell-phone towers.

The Product

Aulterra has created the Neutralizer, a unique product based on a proprietary blend of naturally occurring paramagnetic materials. The Neutralizer is the only product in the world scientifically proven to reduce harmful EMF and increase the body’s resilience to EMF. It has been awarded 43 claims in a U.S. patent, and has been peer-reviewed and published in an international research journal

The Opportunity

Here is your chance to make a difference.  Take this opportunity to help people protect themselves from dangerous cell phone radiation.

Find out more through the link below!

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